Saturday, January 24, 2009

((: ILY to a guy ; awkward ?

i love you .

ouhgayyy , so today's topic .

is it so awkward for a girl to confess her love for da guy first ?

i've been thinking a lot bout it .
nooo , its just RANDOOM .
nth to do with me xD

okay , back to the topic .

a girl , confessing her love to da guy FIRST .
mind you , FIRST .

all of wad im gonna write is from my point of view & my opinion .

okay , to me , & what i think , a guy should always confess to a girl that he loves her First .
i also think that most of the girls , ( MOST & not all ) , agrees with me .
WHY should a girl confess first , ryt ?

but , Girls are human . just like guys .
so why is it kinda wrong ?

imma , of course , a girl .
this is what i WOULD be feeling if i am to say ILY to a guy first .
- Blush .
- Embarrassed .
- " PAISEHHH " !

jyeahhs , seriously , i will feel that way . (:

its just different.

& i asked one of my guy frens .
" is it awkward if a girl say ily to a guy ? "
" hell no , but depends on da guy . "

what if da guy is the kind a guy who dun like you ?

& he also said , " see how da guy feels . "
i ask , " how do we ( girls ) know if he likes us or not ? "
"talk . "

ummhmm , & i was thinking , " how do we ask them ? "

How do we ask them ?
> Hey , do you like me ?
> How do you find me like ?
>Do you have any feelings for me or something ?
etc etc etc etc etc .

it is definitely "PAISEH-ing" to ask those questions to a guy .
tsk tsk .

but somehow , i think , saying "ILY" to a guy nowadays , is common .
& i dun think its wrong .
it all depends on OUR (girls) courage .
it also depends on which kind of guy we are saying dat to .

SO , if you're thinking of any guy lately , OR if you're thinking of a guy when you're reading this , you definitely HAVE A CRUSH on them maan . xD

get to know them , talk more , & confess !
lets just get over it , Girls are humans , & we have feelings !
so why not , say ILY , DEAR BOY .

to confess .

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