Friday, January 02, 2009

School day :D

HELLO HELLLOOOO dearrr peep-ohhs !

sup sup ?

today is da first day of school , for 2009 .
shouldn't they just start school tmr ?
:D :D

hmmm , anywayy , went to pick up Leen first & then went off to school .
lyk , dunno why but was feeeelinggggg nervooooooooooooous .

then , reached hall !
WHOAAAA , saw 2ENDEAVOUR at the veryyyy first row instead of 2A .
like , its soo weird .
& 2E must have 3 rows ?
like wtff ?
& yeahh , Leen was veryyy far awayyyyy , like far behind 2E .
then blahh blahhh blahhh , Mrs Lim said DM ( discipline master ) would be changing from Mr Prem D: to mr Iszal :D !

so , heard some ppl cherrinnnggg .

hmmm , almost fell asleep during assembly .
cause they talk a real lot .
like seriously A LOT .

then went back to class .
MS WANG is still ourrr FORM TEACHERR .

thennn , there is 3 more NEW students coming to our class.
i forgot their names . )):
but , anywayyyy , WELCOME !


hmmm ..... as usual , 9.55am , we had RECESSSSS !
But 2E went at like 10.05 ?
cause of someeee appointments .

was hungryyyyy , so i bought 2HASHBROWNS !
:D :D

then went toilet ... then went out , then MR HAN called Me , Keshini & LEEN .
WE WERE LIKE " errrr ????? " !
thn , he ask " why you nvr eat in canteeen ? You sec wad ? "
i was like " ohhh , we walk the other way round , sec 2 . "
he was " uhh ? a you sure you're sec 2 ? "
i was like " err , yeahh ? "
then he said okay .
then we went off .

i was like wtfff ??

anywayyyyyy , FORM TEACHER & MALAY TEACHER said dat can bring hp to school , but can use only after & before schoooool . Shoe must be 70% white .
BUT , idk if its true info ?
so , better play safe , DON'T BRING HP !

:D xD
hmmmm , then MRS VANNAN is now our MATHS teacherrr instead of ENGLISH !

Mr Yeb is no more my malay teacher )): )): & dat means no more fun , no more laughs , no more play , no more FreeeeeTIME .)): effing saddd .
now my malay teacher is Mr Ahmad .

haiyaaaaa ...

okayy luhhh .
chaooo people .

buybuyyy !

My thoughts you can't decode .

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