Wednesday, January 11, 2012

sooooo........i've gotten my results.
it's alright. but because of my E8 Maths(pathetic,i know), i cant go anywhere else except for ITE.
yeh, at first i was like super upset and all cause i couldnt go poly.
but come on, the courses i got in ITE is interesting.
i hope i can be the top student. i mean, who doesnt hope so right.
i just wna try my best and do my very extremely best for ITE.

i mean, even though i will be taking a slower and longer journey, i do not mind it all because wad matters is, i still can study!
anyway i still wna reach my aim(which is to be the top student,insyaallah)and prove to all that i can do it :)
im not upset anymore. no point crying over spilt milk right. just make the best out of what i got.
anyway my first choice of course is Business Studies Event Management.
i really really really really really hope that i'll get that course! EVERYONE, PLEASE PRAY HARD FOR ME ALRIGHT.
actually all my choices are related to business.

okay, just wna add on, although i didnt get the desired grades,or courses or poly's or whatever, i am still thankful to Allah...alhamdulillah for everything. because i believe, we humans can only plan, but only god can determine everything. even though i didnt get wad i want, i strongly believe that Allah have something better for me ;D

so guys, dont be upset if you dont get wad u want. just be brave and strong, and be courageous. just move on yeh!

ps: i am soo very soo thankful to my family members and friends of course for having faith and still supporting me! i wont let you down. hopefully i'll be the best amin. to my family members, thank you for being by my side,for the love,encouragement and support!! without you, i wont be where i am. i really love youuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu <3

and of course to my Boyfriend, thank you for being there through my cries and everything la. he's always and forever there for me. thanks for your advices and encouragement, and your love for me:) i am very thankful to have you by my side, forever supporting me in wadever i do! it just wont feel right without you, you know! i love you soo much baby <3 mwahx :*


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