Friday, April 13, 2012

hi everyone!
so today marks the 1st week of school in ITE.
i never regret going to ITE cause seriously, to be honest, im having the most enjoyable time in ITE.
the lecturers are funny and nice as hell and the lessons are never boring!
most of the times, one lesson last around 2hrs. it feels like 1hr only.
it's very different from secondary school as you become more mature..and da lecturers understands you more.
im able to open up and voice out more of my opinion in class.
if im given another chance to do o level all over again so that im able to go to polytechnic, i would push away the opportunity. i am really genuinely happy where i am now. and i thank god :)
cant wait for school on Monday and of course...........the Freshman Party oooo yeh.
have a great weekend sweethearts.


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