Friday, January 23, 2009


Hi !

sup ?
today , it was better not to bring books just now .
had noooooooooo lesson .

History > Mdm Shanti showed ud a vid clip .
the Singapura funny song thingyy .
i enjoyed luhh xD

Literature > Ms Pat.Goh showed us some pictures .
i tell you , The girl looks like Sharmini & the guy looks like Stamford xD
SUN , " Sharmini & Raffles ! "
WAHAHAHAHS , good luhh SUN !

den Hamper Wrapping thingy , sial larhh , ours so plain .
tsk tsk .
so we already know we gonna lose xD

then recess .

after recess , got the SMS TRANSLATION thingy .
Mund power larhh , she translated it .
But of course , i help her also luhhs .
she used my hp to sms .
MUND , if you win , gimme half the prize xD

after that , our clique , camwhored .
but , i cnnt post picture here cause hp cable not working ):

ouhgayy , after that got CNY CONCERT .
CIO > greaaaat uh you all ! TERRY , you superrrr powerrr larhhhhh ! xD
OUHGAY , then got indian dance .
Indian Dance > SEXAYY luhhhsss ! Keshini , you did a betteerrr job girl ! :D
thenn Chinese Dance > POWERRR also ! Kai Yun , grreeeeat job (:
then Choir > CELIA , ur voice freaking loud ! xD Denicee > GOOOOOOD JOBBB ! ((:
then ..... 2A won everything , wow ? how fascinating .

ouhgayy , then end .
going back class time ... dunno why suddenly the whole school , well almost all , suddenly " oooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooohhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh " !
then of course , i also say " ooooooooooooh " .
dunno what telah happened xD
Then , go canteeeeeen wait for Sharmini & Denice & Celia .
talk talk with some humans xD
then walk along the corridor .
FREAKK , a ball almost hit me ?
well ...
The ball speeeeeding siooooo .
kicked by Edger .
luckily , me & Mary stopped .
if not , ALERMAKS , i cry xD
if not , nth happens .

ouhgayy , then Me & Celia & Denice went Mac .
eat eat .
Bought Ice creaaaaam * slurrrrps *
then , we all share money eat Twister Fries & Normal Fries xD
thn talk talk , chit chat chit chat .
Then got one girl hit my head .
-.- "

she with the bf .

ouhgayy , dats all for today i think .

buybuyyyy !

Leg Cramp ohh !

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