Saturday, January 24, 2009


todayyy , i've decided on topic called " EMO & SCENE " .
But before anything , i would like to say that , all of wad im gonna write is from my point of view & my opinion .
First picture > SCENE .
Second picture > EMO .


i HEARD a lot of people killing themselves , slicing themselves , cutting themselves , hurting themselves , SL0WLY .
this can cause DEATH .

& this are wad we call , EMO .
emo ---> Sad , depressed etc etc .

People have some troubles ; Studies & family & friends etc etc .

BUT , why not change yourself for the better ?
why not try harder ?
why regret the past ?
look at the brightside .
Look at the FUTURE ahead .
you cant possibly miss the Golden Opportunity ahead in life !

so basically , im telling emo's , what you regret , is what becomes a learning point to you . Its actually what you learn .
& you have to change for the better .
you live ONCE , so why not use the opportunity to live the best you can ?

why hurt & make yourself miserable ?
EMO actually affect a whole lot of ppl around you .

so why choose EMO ?

BUT , its not wrongggggg to choose EMO STYLE / SONG .
theres a huge difference between Emo people & Emo Style .

think for yourself the difference .

ouuhggaayyy , so now SCENE .
SCENE is a total opposite of EMO .

SCENE - happy , fun , noisy , loud ppl (((((:

its style is kindaa EMO-ishh , but , they use BRIGHT HAPPY CHEERFUL (: colors instead of saddening depressing blackkk ):

:D :D :D :D :D

SCENE is a total bunch of happy ppl who live their lives happily (:
they dont regret their past , & look ahead to living into a bright FUTURE !

so ppl , im not telling you to be SCENE .
BUT , im telling you about the difference in the ATTITUDE about a scene & an emo person .


so which attitude would you choose ?
Scene attitude which has a bright future ahead or EMO attitude which can hurt urself ?

indeed , a happy attitude i have xD

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