Saturday, April 28, 2012

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if the video above is not a video but some weird djnjrngjn, im sorry i dont know what's wrong.
okay. so 2 random pictures, i shall post.
 i feel extremely cool being able to do this. HAHAA.
this is Yana. My closest babe in school :) xx

so i came across a tweet talking bout life.
and then i started wondering about my life.
what am i doing right now?
if im living my life the right way?
if im absolutely content with my life right now?
if im happy?

to be honest, i've never felt happier in my life before. i dont know why but after school started, somehow i find myself being a better person than before. perhaps it's because im growing up.
to me, i define life as happiness. i always remind myself to never ever live my life in a box. i've always lived (and am still living) my life outside the box. i like exploring new things. i love adventure. i love having fun. i love laughing. i love being happy. i love making people happy. i believe that behind every little setbacks, lies a blessing..happiness. easy say, smth like a blessing in disguise.
im starting to open up my heart and face life with the least negative thoughts.
you know, we should never look back to yesterday because it's over. we should never worry about tmr because what you have now is TODAY. you wont know if the next minute you're gna be gone. so why not just live life as it is at this second.
 hahaha atiqa why u soo inspirational SIA. hbhbjnnbjk.

crx, if you're reading this right now, i just wna tell u from the bottom of my heart, that although we're no more together, i've never considered u as a stranger.
i pray for ur happiness every single day.
i just wna tell u that, this is cliche but you deserve someone soo much better. and i mean it when i say that. i hate to see you being upset. pls move on with your life, look at the brighter side, cause your life doesnt revolve around me only. there's so many things in life to look forward to. open up your heart, and you'll truly find happiness in all the little things you do. somethings wont go the way we want it to be, boy. you knw you cant hold on to something that does not want to stay.but always keep in mind, that if you need a pair of shoulders to cry on, or a pair of listening ears, im always here.

enjoy your weekends guys.

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