Saturday, May 05, 2012

Hello guys :)
my weekends have been..a stay home one. not much going on. that's why i prefer schooling.
so, a few pictures alright!

pictures arent in order. hehe.
so's funny how this sentence made soo much sense to me.
>>> 'Hi,you were everything I was looking for when I wasn't even searching.'
it's a tweet by my very close, extremely nice friend, Tidiot.
i dont why, but i just felt that the tweet kinda applied to me.
it's like, some random person just popped by and bam, you feel like there's someone there for u.
someone you can relate to. talk bout anything and everything. like somehow it makes u feel complete.

so i've been thinking. a lot. and after yesterday night's conversation, i realised there's so much more in life. i was asked, if i was really happy. or am i just happy just to cover up what i really feel.
to be honest, yeh of course at times i feel sad,upset,angry or something but that's human. but apart from that, i feel genuinely happy. like really happy. i dont know why. but i find myself smiling and laughing more than usual. i find myself being happy even just by doing small lil things.
i find life soo damn beautiful. 

let's sidetrack. i love to eat the fish and chips fish with thousand island dressing la! it taste damn good. and also fried chicken omg. i tell you, the way to my heart is definitely food! sometimes i wish some random person will just surprise me with candies and chocolates in the morning when im on my way to school! hahaha. i will defnitely hug the person and punch her/his face lol. no just kidding bout that punching part. but what if i get too excited and happy till i punch ah. k shit im starting to imagine already muaha.
eh Wanna Be My Chammak Chalo or not?

so erm abrupt ending.
i hope you beautiful single souls and lovebirds have a great Sunday!
loves xx

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