Saturday, May 26, 2012

funny how things can change so much over such a short period of time, isn't it?
i wish nothing changed.
wish i can turn back time.
i still hold on to the tiniest hope that you will somehow, still remember me. that you will somehow, miss our late night calls. that you will somehow miss me.
i hope you're still thinking of me at some random time of the day. because to be honest, you've never really left my mind.
sure,i dont really text you but i still wonder, what you're doing, how are you, if you're fine and the list goes on.
i think i need a reality slap. i need someone to shake me up and tell me to wake up.
i guess i just miss you.

going school w you, you playing w my hair, the way we teased each other, how i would push you and you push me back, funny faces. the one time we went out to have lunch. when u would come over to my table where i sat with my group of girls. the candy u gave me. the way u would just pull me when im in the middle of a conversation with my friends. late night calls. oh there's soo many things to write but i guess idk i cant think.

have a great Sunday xx

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