Saturday, February 25, 2012

people have been talking to me.
and i like that.

so today, you know who i went out with right?
mah babyboooooo.
but before anything. idk wads wrong with me but i uploaded a new so called vlog?
#isiaole. here's da random vlog. i seriously dont understand myself in the vlog. lol.

uh huh.

so uhm.
let d pictures do da talking yeh.

have a great sunday all!
do  ask or tell me smth on my formspring.

Saturday, February 11, 2012


okay so hi.
today, baby had 3 wonderful surprises for me.
1stly- a rose for advance valentines day...aww. since he wud be in camp during dat day.
2ndly- a plush toy he 'made himself' at the make a bear workshop(?) as an advanced birthday present for me. it's called RABTIBS. heehe. dont ask me why the name's like dat.
3rdly- a fisheye lens as a 22monthsary gift!

i am very happy. extremely. i am soo thankful to have him. not because of the gifts or whatever, i just love him for him. i just wish we have more time to spend with each other. u see...its hard. because we only get to see each other for like 1/2 times per week. and it's not even like the whole 24hrs/ just more year and my baby will ORD. cant wait. thn i'll get to spend my time with him a lot! i love you honey. thank u for every single thing.

Saturday, February 04, 2012

i pierced one more.
it hurts.
HAHAHAHA. did your saturday go?!
my saturday was spent with my loveeee of course.
i enjoyed so much .
from the laughters....the hug...kisses...
idk? just a tiny gesture and i'll get butterflies in my stomach.
i love him ahh!!!
