Friday, September 19, 2008

b0red .

y0 readers,
h0ws y0u ?

im b0red ,
bored ,
t0 the max .


hah .

cant siqn in t0 msn ,
cause havinq c0nnecti0n pr0bs .

damn the internet c0nnecti0n .

tryinq t0 siqn in 0ver & 0ver & 0ver aqain ,

but t0 n0 q000d .


hah .
0kay n0w ,
2 m0re days & exams are here .
h0w fast tym flies ?

i still rmrb vividly,
h0w i first saw y0u ,
it was in da canteen ,
when my friend t0ld me y0u were y0u .

i th0uqht y0u were " mat " ,
& i didnt like y0u ,
but she t0ld me n0 ,
y0u were non 0f dat .

i t00k a l00k at y0u ,
it was durinq da first term ,
she t0ld me y0u were leavinq ,
but i nvr cared .

n0w im stuck ,
mem0ries 0f y0u ,
i still remember vividly ,
h0w much i l0ve y0u .

it wasnt l0nq ,
bef0re i f0und 0ut ,
that it was n0t wr0nq ,
y0u were with her .

it hurt me , yes ,
but i c0uld n0t st0p ,
this l0ve landed me in a mess ,
but i had t0 just watch & r0t .

0f c0urse i tried ,
n0t l0nq t0 qive up ,
but happily n0 ,
it was hard t0 qive y0u up .

its been 5 m0nth ,
five is n0t sh0rt ,
but n0 im n0t f0rcinq y0u ,
t0 qive me l0ve .


i wr0te it 0n da sp0t y0 .


hah .

& i d0nt want y0u t0 q0 just yet .

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