Tuesday, September 09, 2008



aftan00n livinqTHINGS !

h0w ya'll d0inq ?

h0pe u are d0inq qreat .

stayed bacckk in sk00l just n0w till 3.30pm shaaaarp !

&& y0w ,
had a i-dun-really-kn0w-how-it-felt tym .


in class ,
just n0w durinq assembly was

haiy00 ,
they were playinq hanqman ,
and the ALM0ST all the themes were ab0ut ***t000t*** .

( :

its rated nc16 ,
s0 yeahh ,
ppl 0f all aqe are readinq this s0 ,
its n0t appr0priate !

&& afterr sk00l ,
called m0m .

&& she all0wed me t0 staybackk .

thhen sat d0wn with syamim , amalina , amirah , keshini && zulfiqar .

lauqhed a l0t .

&& y0w ,
the VIEW was superbly superb !

hah ,
0f c0urse ,
cause i can ,
i-rather-n0t-say yeahhs ?

hah .

&& den ,
went library with amalina ,

wanted t0 b0rr0w s0me b00ks .
english b00ks.

went inside library ,
uncle t0ld me t0 cl0se the d00r .
then i saw l0ts && l0ts 0f baqs .

wh0se d0es it bl0nq t0 ?
wad class was in da library ?

i was s0 thinkinq .
amalina checked && said it was maybeee
4B , 0r a.k.a f-o-u-r b-r-i-l-l-i-a-n-t .

s0 i went inside ,
then i realised it was s0 n0t 4b .
it was i-dun-kn0w-wad-class ( as if ) .

hah .
(Atiqa ) " eyhh , dun nid t0 b0rr0w b00ks readii luhh . "
(Amalina ) " haiy0 , y ? "
(Atiqa ) " uqhh , its alryt luhh , q0t class here , s0 dun wanna disturb . "
(Amalina ) " aiyaa , just b0rr0w luhh . "
(Atiqa ) " nvm nvm luhh , next dae als0 can b0rr0w . "
(Amalina ) " errrkayyyyyyy . "

then we br0wsed thru the 1999 class ph0t0s
0r wadeva-da-name-0f-the-b00k-is .

hah .
damn funneh larhh .
the hairstyles ALL are s0 "w0w" .


n0 0ffence 0ld 0ld seni0rs !


n0t fair cause they weren't strict with the hairstyles b4 .
&& y0w ,
there were s0 MANY cca's !

&&& wala0 ,
q0t cheerleadinq s0m0re !

my qawd .

qaaaahhh !
its 0kay ,
its 0ryt ,
qriffin qriffin fyt fyt fyt .


kae ,
shall st0p here .

buybuy humans .

0h yarhh ,
the -idk wad bk- is called a " yearB00K.

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