Tuesday, September 16, 2008

this p0em i dedicate t0 especially t0 y0u .

This p0em ,
i dedicate especially t0 y0u dear ;

can't help the feelinq ,
but its 0verc0minq me ,
wads happeninq ?
i wish i c0uld st0p ,
but its useless ,
n0 p0int .
i tried qettinq rid 0f y0u ,
but it makes n0 sense ,
n0 p0int ,
i t0ld myself t0 f0rqet ab0ut y0u ,
t0 c0ncentrate ,
but its all imp0ssible ,
its 0f n0 p0int .
i t0ld myself t0 buck up ,
it w0uld be imp0ssible .
im just wastinq my tym ,
& wad d0 y0u care ?
i kn0w this l0ve is q0nna stay here ,
f0r as l0nq as i care .

s0metyms i tink ,
is this all w0rth ,
but this have bc0me my fav0urite thinq ,
my fav0urite habit ,
my fav0urite dance step .
y0u make it s0und s0 easy ,
f0r me t0 give y0u up ,
but let me tell y0u this ,
try qivinq her up .

All this while ,
i just wanna tell y0u ,
its 0nly y0u y0u y0u .
& y0u wh0 i admire ,
its 0nly y0u dear ,
im dedicatinq this t0 y0u ,
but y0u'll tink its crap ;
but t0 me dear

& i dun expect ur l0ve ,
y0u h0pe this is just my childish infatuati0n ,
where y0u're lyk a wall ,
n0t even m0ved by an inch .
y0u may think all y0u want ,
im just a small stubb0rn qal t0 y0u .

but hear me dear ,
u mean a th0usand w0rds t0 me ,
n0w dear ,
im n0 way 0f desperate ,
& n0r a phsyc0 .
i just wanna say ,
dat im pretty , n0t .
& i kn0w it is imp0ssible .
i q0t t0 q0 ,
my tym is up n0w ,
but all i wanna sae dear ,
thx f0r makinq me l0ve .


a p0em made by me .

& lauqhinq at ppl is 0ffendinq y0 , s0 pls .
(wh0ever feels 0ffended by this ; pls taq)

&& the truth alway nvr fails t0 hurt .

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