Saturday, October 11, 2008


Xxxx .

m0rninqq l0veee ;

ahahahs .

h0ws y0u ?
hee .
h0pe ur q00d aye ?
qeee .

TAGGG REPLIES ; SYAHIRAHHH - thx for defendinqq me . dat pers0n is a l00neyy ! ahahhaS.
thx for da taqqq ! ((: l0vee yaaa l0ads . && imy !
Leen ; NYAHAHAH! excess-er . ((:
Jesphene; thx y0 ? ((: ahahas . ur taqqed t00 ! ((:
Bavani ; y0 ! ahahahs . thx for da taqq . aniwae , q0 0ut s00n jyeahs ? ((:

0kayy n0w,
s0 ytd ,
I cancelled the SH0PPINGG thinqy with my sis ,
course i wasss layzeeee !

nyahahaha ! rawrrrsss !
wads for todayyy ?

- q0inq t0 my aunt's h0use .
yay !
cann see MARISSA !
il0veher , can ?


aniwaeee ,
sorry i made you cryyy .
i didn't mean t0 .

qladd everytinks fine , && b0th 0f us are q00d .


hah .

qahhh ,
wanna ask ya ,
do i look unsocialable ?
do i look unfriendlyyy ?

ahahas .
n0 rytt ?
ahahas .

nvm .

lets see if tmr ,
u DARE && take it lyk a man && be bravvveee .


ahahahs .

0kayyy ,
s0 n0ww ,
listeninq t0 s0nqss .


heh .

aniwaeee ,
i feel s0 b0redd.

excess inf0 h0r ?

hah .
s0rry , cause im writiq crap .

hee .

im q0nna st0p myself fr0m makinq u quys SLEEP ,
s0 jyeahs ,
buybuy !

take it lyk a man && be braveeee !

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