Friday, November 14, 2008

HYPER . japan! <333


0kay qreat .
t0day turn 0ut t0 be BAD f0r my dance
& g000d f0r the dayy !
i l0ve T0DAY !
;DD <333>crush 0n this small-eyed CUTE quy . && i think he likes me .

cause he kept l0okinq at me , AHH , dats f0r suree ass.
he L00KED at me several times && im lyk (?) .
was i supp0se t0 smile ?
i smiled ,DUH , a lil . && he smiled . & he's shy y0
fr0m the way HE was lookinq ! ;DD


AD0RABLE muchh .
&& they we all veryy FRIENDLY !
i l0ve JAPAN && the PE0PLE .

i l0ve the qirls , & i l0ve the quys .



Japan&Sinqap0re ; we were an enemy 0nce ,
but happily yes , we b0th f0rgived and f0rget;DD


PICTURES ! s0rry cause my face suck-ed .

HAHAHAHA , cute h0r he ? veryy the HANDS0ME <33 . small-eyed quy ,
&& this was da quy im was tellinq you about ! ;DD <333

CANDID ! <333

Adorable MUCHH ! ;DDDD <33

HAHAHHA , adorable && sexayy jyeahs ? <33

KAWAII ! <33

CUTE larhh she ! ;DD <33

yeahh , dats ryt , we were 0nce an enemy , but n0w , g00d frens . ((:

seri0usly , it was a blessinq t0 kn0w them .
im thankful that there are n0 war between us n0 m0re , Japan&Sinqap0re .

&& i'll definitely miss them <33 ,
&& the small eyed quy , ILY ! <33 ;DD

*** watch ! freakin funny ! ;DD

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