Saturday, August 03, 2013

redha atiqa.
whatever happens will happen. all in Allah's hands.
as much as i want some things, it's better that i live w/o them.
accept it, leave it, move on.
know that i've never let anything down.
7months was supposed to be today but sometimes dates turns insignificant though it's still in remembrance.
it hurts a lot. hurts a lot.
when one dont give a single shit no more. like one day they just wake up and you mean 0 to them.
when he doesnt feel guilty or wrong or even bad doing things that hurts.
i think i've had it.
away from my phone. away from twitter. away from instagram.
from whatsapp especially.
i'll be okay again, i've been through this a couple of times already by now. so yup.
im just tired tired tired of giving too much f u c k s
you'll regret it one day one day youre gonna miss me one day you'll realise what you have but it'll be too late
good bye good bye no more no more no more
this is gonna be harder than it already is
3rd parties are a pain in the ass, this is so not me but i think i know what hate is and it aint good but i swear i hope you both will have a very rough and bad life what goes around comes around to you both
i really hate both of you i really hope shit wont ever stop happening in your lives
hah i feel bad whatever
may god forgive me and forgive them for all their....wrong shitty doings

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