Tuesday, September 30, 2008

selamat hari rayerrrr .

ahahas ,
aftan00n my dear darrDARR;DD

taq replies ;
ASHIQIN ; 0kay . appreciate muchh;DD

hmmm ,
s0 jyeahs ,
t0dae is da last dayy 0f fastinnqqq !

dun have t0 q0 thru t0uqh hunqerrr tyms anim0re ,
&& n0w ,
its better cause ,
can q0 0ut with frens s0 can eatt.


&& recess , can eat + drinkk .
but im sure i l0ve th0se fastinq m0nth ,

alth0 t0dae is da last day ,
&& takbir is just a few minutes away ,
i'll break fast with my br0 0nly .
l0nerrr .
cause m0m&&sis went 0ut t0 qeylanq .
dad is werrkinq .


nvm .
tmr ,
tmr ,
TMR will be da dae ,
the wh0le wh0le ,
family clan will reunite !

p0weRANGERS unite !


s0 jyeahss ,
q0nna break fast s00n .
im s0 in da 0hh-em-qee-i-s0-l0ner-larhhsuayy m00d .
ahahahahhas .

&& just n0w ,
went h0me fr0m sk00l at 10.30AM cause " EVE 0F HARI RAYA" mahhs .
s0 jyeahh ,
went h0me ,
straiqht awayy listen t0 music 0n ph0ne .
thenn sms-ed ppl .

den ,
FELL ASLEEP at 11am lyk dat .
w0ke up 0nly at 4.35pm lyk dat !

ahahahahas .
PIGGG h0rr .


0uhh yeahh ,
aniwae ,
wanna thankk th0se wh0 wished me HARI RAYA .
appreciate it muchh .
&& im wishinq y0u muslims celebratinq hari raya ;

SeLamaT hAri rAYA , mAAf zAhiR dAN batIn .

&& i feel him slippinq thru my finqers , now he's q0ne , im sleepinq with the liqhts 0n .

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