Sunday, September 28, 2008


firstly ,
i wanna wishhh all the ppl wh0 is takinq 'n' lvls ,
MATH - && 0ther subjects G00DYG00DLUCKK!


d0 well ,
xD .

0kay .
s0 jyeahs , i dun wanna fl00d my taqb0ard .
s0 , yeahh , im q0nna reply it at my p0st . (:

Syahirah - thx y0 ! ~~~weees!
Amalina - ahahahs . qem0k ehh ? xD ilyt ! x333

ended .

0uhh jyeahs ,
i kn0w ur eyes hurt l00kinq at th0se TAG REPLIES .

nyahahahahahaha !!!

purp0sely did datt .
didnt kn0w why ,
perhaps i wanna sp0il ur eyesiqht .

0kay .
s0 t0day ,
i tink i q0t sk00l t0day .
that is s lyk DUH .

l0l .
dia0 , s0rry , lame .

tmr q0t 'n' lvl paper 0r n0t uhh ?

xPP xD

nvm .

uhh , t0dae sk00l was 0kay .
had a l0t 0f " 0mq-im-havinq-senile-dementia-aqain-lar-sial" .
tsk .
s0 f0rqetful .
had TEST 0n HE (h0me ec0ns).

l0ls .
i didnt studyy ,
as usual ,
i studied the veryyyyyyy lasttttt minuteeeee aqain .

im q0nna fail that paper i tell y0uuu .
hahahs .

just pray dat i'll pass.

jyeahs ,
s0 tmr ,
q0inq backk h0me at 9.30 am .
why ?
when ?
wh0 ?
h0w ?
where ?

l0l .
WHY ? cause its the eve 0f HARI RAYA!
~~~~wees .
WHEN ? tmr , duh ? l0l . xD
WH0 ? muslim ppl . takkan larhh 0ranq putih kann ? (s0rry f0r the usaqe 0f malay w0rds)
H0W ? err , im q0inq h0me by bus ? l0lss . ani0ne wanna sendd me h0me ? xD
WHERE ? q0 h0me larhh ! xPP

jyeahs ,
s0ryy f0r the im-so-talkinq-t0-myself-&-im-s0-excess-inf0!

l0lss .
xD xD ily !

ahahahs .
excess .
jk .


0hh yeahh ,
that bannd's name is nice , SLATHE .

excess aqain .

0kay then , buybuy whiteGH0ST!

&& i will be there for you thru it all .

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