ahahas ,
aftan00n my dear darrDARR;DD
taq replies ;
ASHIQIN ; 0kay . appreciate muchh;DD
hmmm ,
s0 jyeahs ,
t0dae is da last dayy 0f fastinnqqq !
dun have t0 q0 thru t0uqh hunqerrr tyms anim0re ,
&& n0w ,
its better cause ,
can q0 0ut with frens s0 can eatt.
&& recess , can eat + drinkk .
but im sure i l0ve th0se fastinq m0nth ,
alth0 t0dae is da last day ,
&& takbir is just a few minutes away ,
i'll break fast with my br0 0nly .
l0nerrr .
cause m0m&&sis went 0ut t0 qeylanq .
dad is werrkinq .
nvm .
tmr ,
tmr ,
TMR will be da dae ,
the wh0le wh0le ,
family clan will reunite !
p0weRANGERS unite !
s0 jyeahss ,
q0nna break fast s00n .
im s0 in da 0hh-em-qee-i-s0-l0ner-larhhsuayy m00d .
ahahahahhas .
&& just n0w ,
went h0me fr0m sk00l at 10.30AM cause " EVE 0F HARI RAYA" mahhs .
s0 jyeahh ,
went h0me ,
straiqht awayy listen t0 music 0n ph0ne .
thenn sms-ed ppl .
den ,
FELL ASLEEP at 11am lyk dat .
w0ke up 0nly at 4.35pm lyk dat !
ahahahahas .
PIGGG h0rr .
0uhh yeahh ,
aniwae ,
wanna thankk th0se wh0 wished me HARI RAYA .
appreciate it muchh .
&& im wishinq y0u muslims celebratinq hari raya ;
SeLamaT hAri rAYA , mAAf zAhiR dAN batIn .
&& i feel him slippinq thru my finqers , now he's q0ne , im sleepinq with the liqhts 0n .
Tuesday, September 30, 2008
Sunday, September 28, 2008
firstly ,
i wanna wishhh all the ppl wh0 is takinq 'n' lvls ,
MATH - && 0ther subjects G00DYG00DLUCKK!
d0 well ,
xD .
0kay .
s0 jyeahs , i dun wanna fl00d my taqb0ard .
s0 , yeahh , im q0nna reply it at my p0st . (:
Syahirah - thx y0 ! ~~~weees!
Amalina - ahahahs . qem0k ehh ? xD ilyt ! x333
ended .
0uhh jyeahs ,
i kn0w ur eyes hurt l00kinq at th0se TAG REPLIES .
nyahahahahahaha !!!
purp0sely did datt .
didnt kn0w why ,
perhaps i wanna sp0il ur eyesiqht .
0kay .
s0 t0day ,
i tink i q0t sk00l t0day .
that is s lyk DUH .
l0l .
dia0 , s0rry , lame .
tmr q0t 'n' lvl paper 0r n0t uhh ?
xPP xD
nvm .
uhh , t0dae sk00l was 0kay .
had a l0t 0f " 0mq-im-havinq-senile-dementia-aqain-lar-sial" .
tsk .
s0 f0rqetful .
had TEST 0n HE (h0me ec0ns).
l0ls .
i didnt studyy ,
as usual ,
i studied the veryyyyyyy lasttttt minuteeeee aqain .
im q0nna fail that paper i tell y0uuu .
hahahs .
just pray dat i'll pass.
jyeahs ,
s0 tmr ,
q0inq backk h0me at 9.30 am .
why ?
when ?
wh0 ?
h0w ?
where ?
l0l .
WHY ? cause its the eve 0f HARI RAYA!
~~~~wees .
WHEN ? tmr , duh ? l0l . xD
WH0 ? muslim ppl . takkan larhh 0ranq putih kann ? (s0rry f0r the usaqe 0f malay w0rds)
H0W ? err , im q0inq h0me by bus ? l0lss . ani0ne wanna sendd me h0me ? xD
WHERE ? q0 h0me larhh ! xPP
jyeahs ,
s0ryy f0r the im-so-talkinq-t0-myself-&-im-s0-excess-inf0!
l0lss .
xD xD ily !
ahahahs .
excess .
jk .
0hh yeahh ,
that bannd's name is nice , SLATHE .
excess aqain .
0kay then , buybuy whiteGH0ST!
&& i will be there for you thru it all .
i wanna wishhh all the ppl wh0 is takinq 'n' lvls ,
MATH - && 0ther subjects G00DYG00DLUCKK!
d0 well ,
xD .
0kay .
s0 jyeahs , i dun wanna fl00d my taqb0ard .
s0 , yeahh , im q0nna reply it at my p0st . (:
Syahirah - thx y0 ! ~~~weees!
Amalina - ahahahs . qem0k ehh ? xD ilyt ! x333
ended .
0uhh jyeahs ,
i kn0w ur eyes hurt l00kinq at th0se TAG REPLIES .
nyahahahahahaha !!!
purp0sely did datt .
didnt kn0w why ,
perhaps i wanna sp0il ur eyesiqht .
0kay .
s0 t0day ,
i tink i q0t sk00l t0day .
that is s lyk DUH .
l0l .
dia0 , s0rry , lame .
tmr q0t 'n' lvl paper 0r n0t uhh ?
xPP xD
nvm .
uhh , t0dae sk00l was 0kay .
had a l0t 0f " 0mq-im-havinq-senile-dementia-aqain-lar-sial" .
tsk .
s0 f0rqetful .
had TEST 0n HE (h0me ec0ns).
l0ls .
i didnt studyy ,
as usual ,
i studied the veryyyyyyy lasttttt minuteeeee aqain .
im q0nna fail that paper i tell y0uuu .
hahahs .
just pray dat i'll pass.
jyeahs ,
s0 tmr ,
q0inq backk h0me at 9.30 am .
why ?
when ?
wh0 ?
h0w ?
where ?
l0l .
WHY ? cause its the eve 0f HARI RAYA!
~~~~wees .
WHEN ? tmr , duh ? l0l . xD
WH0 ? muslim ppl . takkan larhh 0ranq putih kann ? (s0rry f0r the usaqe 0f malay w0rds)
H0W ? err , im q0inq h0me by bus ? l0lss . ani0ne wanna sendd me h0me ? xD
WHERE ? q0 h0me larhh ! xPP
jyeahs ,
s0ryy f0r the im-so-talkinq-t0-myself-&-im-s0-excess-inf0!
l0lss .
xD xD ily !
ahahahs .
excess .
jk .
0hh yeahh ,
that bannd's name is nice , SLATHE .
excess aqain .
0kay then , buybuy whiteGH0ST!
&& i will be there for you thru it all .
Friday, September 26, 2008
Taylor Swift-Teardrops on my quitar .
Drew looks at me, I fake a smile so he won't see
That I want and I'm needing everything that we should be
I'll bet she's beautiful, that girl he talks about
And she's got everything that I have to live without
Drew talks to me, I laugh cause it's just so funny
That I can't even see anyone when he's with me
He says he's so in love, he's finally got it right,
I wonder if he knows he's all I think about at night
He's the reason for the teardrops on my guitar
The only thing that keeps me wishing on a wishing star
He's the song in the car I keep singing, don't know why I do
Drew walks by me, can he tell that I can't breathe?
And there he goes, so perfectly,
The kind of flawless I wish I could be
She'd better hold him tight, give him all her love
Look in those beautiful eyes and know she's lucky cause
[Repeat Chorus]
So I drive home alone, as I turn out the light
I'll put his picture down and maybe
Get some sleep tonight
He's the reason for the teardrops on my guitar
The only one who's got enough of me to break my heart
He's the song in the car I keep singing, don't know why I do
He's the time taken up, but there's never enough
And he's all that I need to fall into..
Drew looks at me, I fake a smile so he won't see.
Drew looks at me, I fake a smile so he won't see
That I want and I'm needing everything that we should be
I'll bet she's beautiful, that girl he talks about
And she's got everything that I have to live without
Drew talks to me, I laugh cause it's just so funny
That I can't even see anyone when he's with me
He says he's so in love, he's finally got it right,
I wonder if he knows he's all I think about at night
He's the reason for the teardrops on my guitar
The only thing that keeps me wishing on a wishing star
He's the song in the car I keep singing, don't know why I do
Drew walks by me, can he tell that I can't breathe?
And there he goes, so perfectly,
The kind of flawless I wish I could be
She'd better hold him tight, give him all her love
Look in those beautiful eyes and know she's lucky cause
[Repeat Chorus]
So I drive home alone, as I turn out the light
I'll put his picture down and maybe
Get some sleep tonight
He's the reason for the teardrops on my guitar
The only one who's got enough of me to break my heart
He's the song in the car I keep singing, don't know why I do
He's the time taken up, but there's never enough
And he's all that I need to fall into..
Drew looks at me, I fake a smile so he won't see.
b0red-d0m .
hi sexayyyyy !
ahahas .
s0rreh .
l0l .
craps .
0uh yeahh ,
i have sumtink t0 announce:D.
- i had sk00l t0dae .
' ann0uncer : dear AtiqaZulkifni , ur super lame .
everyb0dy kn0ws u had sk00l t0dae cause ,
its fridae . :DD
0kay ,
s0rry ,
l0l:D .
aniwaeee ,
sk00l t0dae was 0kay luhh .
&& miracle-ly ,
@ 4am in da m0rninq ,
n0 luhh , actually n0t 4am exactly ,
it was ab0ut 4.45am ,
i w0ke up t0 sahur !
den ,
i wished that it wud rain .
slept at 5.15am.
next ,
w0ke up at 6.00am ,
damn sleepyyyy larhh .
bathed .
then afterr dat , i heard lyk thunderst0rms .
i cheered in my heart ,
" 0hh w0w ! its q0nna rainn ! "
&& y0u'll be w0nderinq why i wish it w0uld rain .
REAS0N : i didn't want pe . actually i wanted PE when raininq cause
we'll q0 t0 the c0mp lab ! yay-ness .
bt kn0w wad?
it WAS raininq ....
but ,
'cher nvr c0me bahhs ,
s0 must g0 PE self study .
h0w t0 study PE le ?
ahahas .
0kay lamee .
then SHARMINI && 0thers kenacauqht
f0r l0nq FINGERNAILS !
serve y0u right larhh sharmini !
but sadly ,
every0ne kena cauqht by the malay w0man ,
n0t MR PREM .
but i 0nly sad f0r sharmini larrhh ,
n0t y0u all .
then after dat ,
had ...
wait ,
i f0rq0t wad we had .
my qq00shhhh ,
havinq senile dementia aqainnn !
kayy ,
JENNY just t0ld me we had SCIENCE after PE.
jyeahhs ,
science is always funnn .
&& w0w ,
'cher 0pened this SCIENCE DVD .
b0rinqqq ...
but then , she ddun care if we wanna watch 0r play .
s0 i ch0se t0 play .
play wad ?
with wh0 ?
why ?
h0w ?
ahahahs .
i played " paper r0ll int0 ball " .
l0l . st00pit name y0 .
***fishh , im smilinq for no reas0n !****
0kay , c0ntinue .
i r0ll superb big big big ball ,
then thr0w at sharmini .
then she threw backk at me .
then denice + me + sharmini played the qame .
then we had an idea .
we decided t0 put all the hand-made biqq biqq balls
in celia's H00DIE !
actually , its MY h00die . except dat , my h00die is p0pularr .
xD xPP
then she SHRIEKED !
she j0ined the qame als0 .
ahahahs .
hahas .
fun le .
then yarhh ,
blahh blahh ,
end sk00l !
went bus st0p ,
haha .
wait f0r bus .
then i felt lyk i was flyinq cause 0f s0me stuffs .
b0t q0nna tell y0uu !
hahas .
then yarhh ...
blah blahh blahh ,
s0 happy larhh !
wh0a sehh , rhyminq si0 .:D
0kay en0uqhh ..
then vnbnetyiy5 .
l0lss .
kae yeahh .
shall p0st a new p0em s00n .
buybuy . l0ve ya !
&& anqels created l0ve .
ahahas .
s0rreh .
l0l .
craps .
0uh yeahh ,
i have sumtink t0 announce:D.
- i had sk00l t0dae .
' ann0uncer : dear AtiqaZulkifni , ur super lame .
everyb0dy kn0ws u had sk00l t0dae cause ,
its fridae . :DD
0kay ,
s0rry ,
l0l:D .
aniwaeee ,
sk00l t0dae was 0kay luhh .
&& miracle-ly ,
@ 4am in da m0rninq ,
n0 luhh , actually n0t 4am exactly ,
it was ab0ut 4.45am ,
i w0ke up t0 sahur !
den ,
i wished that it wud rain .
slept at 5.15am.
next ,
w0ke up at 6.00am ,
damn sleepyyyy larhh .
bathed .
then afterr dat , i heard lyk thunderst0rms .
i cheered in my heart ,
" 0hh w0w ! its q0nna rainn ! "
&& y0u'll be w0nderinq why i wish it w0uld rain .
REAS0N : i didn't want pe . actually i wanted PE when raininq cause
we'll q0 t0 the c0mp lab ! yay-ness .
bt kn0w wad?
it WAS raininq ....
but ,
'cher nvr c0me bahhs ,
s0 must g0 PE self study .
h0w t0 study PE le ?
ahahas .
0kay lamee .
then SHARMINI && 0thers kenacauqht
f0r l0nq FINGERNAILS !
serve y0u right larhh sharmini !
but sadly ,
every0ne kena cauqht by the malay w0man ,
n0t MR PREM .
but i 0nly sad f0r sharmini larrhh ,
n0t y0u all .
then after dat ,
had ...
wait ,
i f0rq0t wad we had .
my qq00shhhh ,
havinq senile dementia aqainnn !
kayy ,
JENNY just t0ld me we had SCIENCE after PE.
jyeahhs ,
science is always funnn .
&& w0w ,
'cher 0pened this SCIENCE DVD .
b0rinqqq ...
but then , she ddun care if we wanna watch 0r play .
s0 i ch0se t0 play .
play wad ?
with wh0 ?
why ?
h0w ?
ahahahs .
i played " paper r0ll int0 ball " .
l0l . st00pit name y0 .
***fishh , im smilinq for no reas0n !****
0kay , c0ntinue .
i r0ll superb big big big ball ,
then thr0w at sharmini .
then she threw backk at me .
then denice + me + sharmini played the qame .
then we had an idea .
we decided t0 put all the hand-made biqq biqq balls
in celia's H00DIE !
actually , its MY h00die . except dat , my h00die is p0pularr .
xD xPP
then she SHRIEKED !
she j0ined the qame als0 .
ahahahs .
hahas .
fun le .
then yarhh ,
blahh blahh ,
end sk00l !
went bus st0p ,
haha .
wait f0r bus .
then i felt lyk i was flyinq cause 0f s0me stuffs .
b0t q0nna tell y0uu !
hahas .
then yarhh ...
blah blahh blahh ,
s0 happy larhh !
wh0a sehh , rhyminq si0 .:D
0kay en0uqhh ..
then vnbnetyiy5 .
l0lss .
kae yeahh .
shall p0st a new p0em s00n .
buybuy . l0ve ya !
&& anqels created l0ve .
Wednesday, September 24, 2008
p0em .
haha .
made a p0em ;
enj0yyy .
Oh well ,
i may say another ,
but mean the other .
Im still reminiscing ,
how much i still l0ve you .
I laugh happy ,
but deep inside ,
im happy , n0t .
This sadness ,
is conquerinq ,yes .
I wish i could out an end ,
at this miserable lovesick .
You were the first one ,
whom i shed a tear for ,
i wish i could run ,
from this miserable base lovesick floor .
Today ,
i learnt that y0u were leavinq ,
this heart ached m0re than ever ,
s0 i didnt have a ch0ice ,
but to just burst out into tears .
I know i'll miss you ,
how time flies ,
but sadly i knew ,
this love was too late .
The wall there ,
had ur name on it ,
and als0 s0me0ne's ,
& my heart ached once more .
I know its stupid ,
so unrealistic ,
but im driven to da last pit ,
where i fall into the trap of lovesick .
&& i'll always be by ur side forever more.
l0ves .
ps : ily.
made a p0em ;
enj0yyy .
Oh well ,
i may say another ,
but mean the other .
Im still reminiscing ,
how much i still l0ve you .
I laugh happy ,
but deep inside ,
im happy , n0t .
This sadness ,
is conquerinq ,yes .
I wish i could out an end ,
at this miserable lovesick .
You were the first one ,
whom i shed a tear for ,
i wish i could run ,
from this miserable base lovesick floor .
Today ,
i learnt that y0u were leavinq ,
this heart ached m0re than ever ,
s0 i didnt have a ch0ice ,
but to just burst out into tears .
I know i'll miss you ,
how time flies ,
but sadly i knew ,
this love was too late .
The wall there ,
had ur name on it ,
and als0 s0me0ne's ,
& my heart ached once more .
I know its stupid ,
so unrealistic ,
but im driven to da last pit ,
where i fall into the trap of lovesick .
&& i'll always be by ur side forever more.
l0ves .
ps : ily.
Tuesday, September 23, 2008
exams ? jyeahs .
y0 readers .
h0w y0u ?
h0pe ur in da
m00d !
ahaha .
cheyy lasuaayyyy !
ahahas .
didnt update cause EXAMS.
n0t stress th0 .
had ENGLISH paper 1 & 2 && MALAY paper 1 & 2
ytd && t0dae.
its alryt larhh the paper .
but ,
durinq BOTH
paper 1 ..
i was s0 in da
m00d .
haha ,
but dun w0rry ,
my paper 1 is still qreat ,
i quess .
t0dae after malay paper 2 ,
tsktsk ,
i tell y0u this ,
im q0nna heckkinq fail .
but its 0kayy .
i kn0w y0u'll be prayinq dat
i'll pass . (:
thx al0t readers .
cheyy cheyyy ,
s0 jyeahs ,
durinq da paper ,
i was lyk in da
wad-a-damn-heckinqq-paper-i-have-t0-d0 m00d .
seri0usly ,
i had n0 m00d t0 d0 maths .
s0 yeahh ,
n0 exams tmr .
6th 0f 0ct0ber then all da 0ther papers will resume.
&& i wanna pass all subjects ,
lyk duh .
ahahas .
tmr first peri0d is LITERATURE .
&& y0 ,
there's m0ther t0nquee !!
il0ve mt .
&& there's 2 peri0ds 0f it !
yay ,
0ne-&-a-half free peri0d !
il0ve mr YEB ! <333
ahaha .
and i didnt see y0u f0r alm0st a week ,
but i wishh y0u luckk f0r ur exams !
jiay0us y0 ,
d0 well ,
&& study !
& f0r the 0ther readers ,
im s0rry if this p0st is lyk b0rinq & i kn0w ,
ur already half asleep readinq my bl0q !
s0 yeahh ,
t0 y0u readers ,
i wishh y0u luckk f0r ur exams ,
jiay0us !
& imy l0ve .
h0w y0u ?
h0pe ur in da
m00d !
ahaha .
cheyy lasuaayyyy !
ahahas .
didnt update cause EXAMS.
n0t stress th0 .
had ENGLISH paper 1 & 2 && MALAY paper 1 & 2
ytd && t0dae.
its alryt larhh the paper .
but ,
durinq BOTH
paper 1 ..
i was s0 in da
m00d .
haha ,
but dun w0rry ,
my paper 1 is still qreat ,
i quess .
t0dae after malay paper 2 ,
tsktsk ,
i tell y0u this ,
im q0nna heckkinq fail .
but its 0kayy .
i kn0w y0u'll be prayinq dat
i'll pass . (:
thx al0t readers .
cheyy cheyyy ,
s0 jyeahs ,
durinq da paper ,
i was lyk in da
wad-a-damn-heckinqq-paper-i-have-t0-d0 m00d .
seri0usly ,
i had n0 m00d t0 d0 maths .
s0 yeahh ,
n0 exams tmr .
6th 0f 0ct0ber then all da 0ther papers will resume.
&& i wanna pass all subjects ,
lyk duh .
ahahas .
tmr first peri0d is LITERATURE .
&& y0 ,
there's m0ther t0nquee !!
il0ve mt .
&& there's 2 peri0ds 0f it !
yay ,
0ne-&-a-half free peri0d !
il0ve mr YEB ! <333
ahaha .
and i didnt see y0u f0r alm0st a week ,
but i wishh y0u luckk f0r ur exams !
jiay0us y0 ,
d0 well ,
&& study !
& f0r the 0ther readers ,
im s0rry if this p0st is lyk b0rinq & i kn0w ,
ur already half asleep readinq my bl0q !
s0 yeahh ,
t0 y0u readers ,
i wishh y0u luckk f0r ur exams ,
jiay0us !
& imy l0ve .
Friday, September 19, 2008
b0red .
y0 readers,
h0ws y0u ?
im b0red ,
bored ,
t0 the max .
hah .
cant siqn in t0 msn ,
cause havinq c0nnecti0n pr0bs .
damn the internet c0nnecti0n .
tryinq t0 siqn in 0ver & 0ver & 0ver aqain ,
but t0 n0 q000d .
hah .
0kay n0w ,
2 m0re days & exams are here .
h0w fast tym flies ?
i still rmrb vividly,
h0w i first saw y0u ,
it was in da canteen ,
when my friend t0ld me y0u were y0u .
i th0uqht y0u were " mat " ,
& i didnt like y0u ,
but she t0ld me n0 ,
y0u were non 0f dat .
i t00k a l00k at y0u ,
it was durinq da first term ,
she t0ld me y0u were leavinq ,
but i nvr cared .
n0w im stuck ,
mem0ries 0f y0u ,
i still remember vividly ,
h0w much i l0ve y0u .
it wasnt l0nq ,
bef0re i f0und 0ut ,
that it was n0t wr0nq ,
y0u were with her .
it hurt me , yes ,
but i c0uld n0t st0p ,
this l0ve landed me in a mess ,
but i had t0 just watch & r0t .
0f c0urse i tried ,
n0t l0nq t0 qive up ,
but happily n0 ,
it was hard t0 qive y0u up .
its been 5 m0nth ,
five is n0t sh0rt ,
but n0 im n0t f0rcinq y0u ,
t0 qive me l0ve .
i wr0te it 0n da sp0t y0 .
hah .
& i d0nt want y0u t0 q0 just yet .
h0ws y0u ?
im b0red ,
bored ,
t0 the max .
hah .
cant siqn in t0 msn ,
cause havinq c0nnecti0n pr0bs .
damn the internet c0nnecti0n .
tryinq t0 siqn in 0ver & 0ver & 0ver aqain ,
but t0 n0 q000d .
hah .
0kay n0w ,
2 m0re days & exams are here .
h0w fast tym flies ?
i still rmrb vividly,
h0w i first saw y0u ,
it was in da canteen ,
when my friend t0ld me y0u were y0u .
i th0uqht y0u were " mat " ,
& i didnt like y0u ,
but she t0ld me n0 ,
y0u were non 0f dat .
i t00k a l00k at y0u ,
it was durinq da first term ,
she t0ld me y0u were leavinq ,
but i nvr cared .
n0w im stuck ,
mem0ries 0f y0u ,
i still remember vividly ,
h0w much i l0ve y0u .
it wasnt l0nq ,
bef0re i f0und 0ut ,
that it was n0t wr0nq ,
y0u were with her .
it hurt me , yes ,
but i c0uld n0t st0p ,
this l0ve landed me in a mess ,
but i had t0 just watch & r0t .
0f c0urse i tried ,
n0t l0nq t0 qive up ,
but happily n0 ,
it was hard t0 qive y0u up .
its been 5 m0nth ,
five is n0t sh0rt ,
but n0 im n0t f0rcinq y0u ,
t0 qive me l0ve .
i wr0te it 0n da sp0t y0 .
hah .
& i d0nt want y0u t0 q0 just yet .
Wednesday, September 17, 2008
with ...
heyy0 0ffenders !
jk .
h0ws y0u ?
nahhh ,
im qreeeeeaaat .
i saw him l0ts 0f tyms t0dae ,
but i dun even think he saw me .
wad t0 d0 ?
dr0p da subject .
aniwae ,
t0dae after sk00l ,
fun-tas-tic .
&& last l0nq with BEN .
syuhrah q0t MEETINGG aniwae t0dae .
s0 ,
i came back t0 da canteen & saw ,
syuhrah's w0000ts *** ,
aidil is manqkuk aniwaes .
&& he's crazy + funny .
th0uqht he was eq0istic .
but l00ks lyk im wr0nq .
dat teaches me that n0t t0 judqe a pers0n by its c0ver .
& stayed back with MAK ZHI JIAN + LEEEN + AIDIL .
haah .
lame j0kes y0 .
&& there's "dirrrtyy" j0kes t00 by zhi jian ,
hah .
and leeen & me kinda lauqh a real l0t !
hah .
0kayyy .
en0uqh b0ut t0dae .
& whats a snail with n0 " eye" ?
&& u dun even smile at me n0w .
heyy0 0ffenders !
jk .
h0ws y0u ?
nahhh ,
im qreeeeeaaat .
i saw him l0ts 0f tyms t0dae ,
but i dun even think he saw me .
wad t0 d0 ?
dr0p da subject .
aniwae ,
t0dae after sk00l ,
fun-tas-tic .
&& last l0nq with BEN .
syuhrah q0t MEETINGG aniwae t0dae .
s0 ,
i came back t0 da canteen & saw ,
syuhrah's w0000ts *** ,
aidil is manqkuk aniwaes .
&& he's crazy + funny .
th0uqht he was eq0istic .
but l00ks lyk im wr0nq .
dat teaches me that n0t t0 judqe a pers0n by its c0ver .
& stayed back with MAK ZHI JIAN + LEEEN + AIDIL .
haah .
lame j0kes y0 .
&& there's "dirrrtyy" j0kes t00 by zhi jian ,
hah .
and leeen & me kinda lauqh a real l0t !
hah .
0kayyy .
en0uqh b0ut t0dae .
& whats a snail with n0 " eye" ?
&& u dun even smile at me n0w .
Tuesday, September 16, 2008
this p0em i dedicate t0 especially t0 y0u .
This p0em ,
i dedicate especially t0 y0u dear ;
can't help the feelinq ,
but its 0verc0minq me ,
wads happeninq ?
i wish i c0uld st0p ,
but its useless ,
n0 p0int .
i tried qettinq rid 0f y0u ,
but it makes n0 sense ,
n0 p0int ,
i t0ld myself t0 f0rqet ab0ut y0u ,
t0 c0ncentrate ,
but its all imp0ssible ,
its 0f n0 p0int .
i t0ld myself t0 buck up ,
it w0uld be imp0ssible .
im just wastinq my tym ,
& wad d0 y0u care ?
i kn0w this l0ve is q0nna stay here ,
f0r as l0nq as i care .
s0metyms i tink ,
is this all w0rth ,
but this have bc0me my fav0urite thinq ,
my fav0urite habit ,
my fav0urite dance step .
y0u make it s0und s0 easy ,
f0r me t0 give y0u up ,
but let me tell y0u this ,
try qivinq her up .
All this while ,
i just wanna tell y0u ,
its 0nly y0u y0u y0u .
& y0u wh0 i admire ,
its 0nly y0u dear ,
im dedicatinq this t0 y0u ,
but y0u'll tink its crap ;
but t0 me dear
& i dun expect ur l0ve ,
y0u h0pe this is just my childish infatuati0n ,
where y0u're lyk a wall ,
n0t even m0ved by an inch .
y0u may think all y0u want ,
im just a small stubb0rn qal t0 y0u .
but hear me dear ,
u mean a th0usand w0rds t0 me ,
n0w dear ,
im n0 way 0f desperate ,
& n0r a phsyc0 .
i just wanna say ,
dat im pretty , n0t .
& i kn0w it is imp0ssible .
i q0t t0 q0 ,
my tym is up n0w ,
but all i wanna sae dear ,
thx f0r makinq me l0ve .
a p0em made by me .
& lauqhinq at ppl is 0ffendinq y0 , s0 pls .
(wh0ever feels 0ffended by this ; pls taq)
&& the truth alway nvr fails t0 hurt .
i dedicate especially t0 y0u dear ;
can't help the feelinq ,
but its 0verc0minq me ,
wads happeninq ?
i wish i c0uld st0p ,
but its useless ,
n0 p0int .
i tried qettinq rid 0f y0u ,
but it makes n0 sense ,
n0 p0int ,
i t0ld myself t0 f0rqet ab0ut y0u ,
t0 c0ncentrate ,
but its all imp0ssible ,
its 0f n0 p0int .
i t0ld myself t0 buck up ,
it w0uld be imp0ssible .
im just wastinq my tym ,
& wad d0 y0u care ?
i kn0w this l0ve is q0nna stay here ,
f0r as l0nq as i care .
s0metyms i tink ,
is this all w0rth ,
but this have bc0me my fav0urite thinq ,
my fav0urite habit ,
my fav0urite dance step .
y0u make it s0und s0 easy ,
f0r me t0 give y0u up ,
but let me tell y0u this ,
try qivinq her up .
All this while ,
i just wanna tell y0u ,
its 0nly y0u y0u y0u .
& y0u wh0 i admire ,
its 0nly y0u dear ,
im dedicatinq this t0 y0u ,
but y0u'll tink its crap ;
but t0 me dear
& i dun expect ur l0ve ,
y0u h0pe this is just my childish infatuati0n ,
where y0u're lyk a wall ,
n0t even m0ved by an inch .
y0u may think all y0u want ,
im just a small stubb0rn qal t0 y0u .
but hear me dear ,
u mean a th0usand w0rds t0 me ,
n0w dear ,
im n0 way 0f desperate ,
& n0r a phsyc0 .
i just wanna say ,
dat im pretty , n0t .
& i kn0w it is imp0ssible .
i q0t t0 q0 ,
my tym is up n0w ,
but all i wanna sae dear ,
thx f0r makinq me l0ve .
a p0em made by me .
& lauqhinq at ppl is 0ffendinq y0 , s0 pls .
(wh0ever feels 0ffended by this ; pls taq)
&& the truth alway nvr fails t0 hurt .
Monday, September 15, 2008
d0ts .
gaaa .
can't help da feelinq .
its 0verc0minq mehh .
wads happeninq ?
i wish i c0uld st0p ,
but its useless ; n0 p0int .
i tried qettinq rid 0f it ,
but it makes n0 sense ; n0 p0int .
i t0ld myself t0 f0rqet ab0ut it ,
t0 c0ncentrate ,
but its all imp0ssible ,
its 0f n0 p0int .
i t0ld myself t0 buck up ,
it w0uld all be imp0ssible,
im just wastinq my tym ,
& wad d0 y0u care ?
i kn0w its q0nna stay here ,
f0r as l0nq as i care .
B00 !
my q0shhh !
qive up luhh atiqa .
l0l .
nvm .
buybuy ,
hhahahahaha ,
& im really tryinq my best ,
but its temptinq .
can't help da feelinq .
its 0verc0minq mehh .
wads happeninq ?
i wish i c0uld st0p ,
but its useless ; n0 p0int .
i tried qettinq rid 0f it ,
but it makes n0 sense ; n0 p0int .
i t0ld myself t0 f0rqet ab0ut it ,
t0 c0ncentrate ,
but its all imp0ssible ,
its 0f n0 p0int .
i t0ld myself t0 buck up ,
it w0uld all be imp0ssible,
im just wastinq my tym ,
& wad d0 y0u care ?
i kn0w its q0nna stay here ,
f0r as l0nq as i care .
B00 !
my q0shhh !
qive up luhh atiqa .
l0l .
nvm .
buybuy ,
hhahahahaha ,
& im really tryinq my best ,
but its temptinq .
Saturday, September 13, 2008
miss you love lyric - silverchair
Silverchair-Miss you love .
Millionaire say
Got a big shot deal
And thrown it all away but
But Im not too sure
How Im supposed to feel
Or what Im supposed to say
But Im not, not sure,
Not too sure how it feels
To handle every day
And I miss you love
Make room for the prey
cause Im coming in
With what I wanna say but
Its gonna hurt
And I love the pain
A breeding ground for hate but...
Im not, not sure,
Not too sure how it feels
To handle everyday
Like the one that just past
In the crowds of all the people
Remember today
Ive no respect for you
And I miss you love
And I miss use love
I love the way you love
But I hate the way
Im supposed to love you back
Its just a fad
Part of the teenage angst brigade and
Im not, not sure,
Not too sure how it feels
To handle everyday
Like the one that just past
In the crowds of all the people
Remember today
Ive no respect for you
And I miss you love
And I miss use love
Remember two days
Ive no respect for you
And I miss you love
And I miss use love
I love the way you love
But I hate the way
Im supposed to love you back
Millionaire say
Got a big shot deal
And thrown it all away but
But Im not too sure
How Im supposed to feel
Or what Im supposed to say
But Im not, not sure,
Not too sure how it feels
To handle every day
And I miss you love
Make room for the prey
cause Im coming in
With what I wanna say but
Its gonna hurt
And I love the pain
A breeding ground for hate but...
Im not, not sure,
Not too sure how it feels
To handle everyday
Like the one that just past
In the crowds of all the people
Remember today
Ive no respect for you
And I miss you love
And I miss use love
I love the way you love
But I hate the way
Im supposed to love you back
Its just a fad
Part of the teenage angst brigade and
Im not, not sure,
Not too sure how it feels
To handle everyday
Like the one that just past
In the crowds of all the people
Remember today
Ive no respect for you
And I miss you love
And I miss use love
Remember two days
Ive no respect for you
And I miss you love
And I miss use love
I love the way you love
But I hate the way
Im supposed to love you back
scarehh .
hah .
aftern00n y0ws .
h0ws y0u
have y0u eaten
currently listeninq t0 secondhand serenade .
ytd was scarehh ,
1 ) this man , saw mehh , & stared at mehh . I was with Amalina . (:
then we were lyk oh-emm-gee-wad-am-i-supp0se-t0-d0 kinda thinqy .
then he went near mehh & f0ll0wed & went int0 this sh0p .
2) i came 0ut f0 da "hip stati0n" && this quy went lyk ,
" Hi im 16 & im sinqle . "
i iqn0red & walked away with amalina .
DIA0 !
3) This 0ld , nahhh , n0t t00 0ld quy , went t0 amalina & mehh and asked ,
"dek , pukul braper dek ? " in malay .
in enqlish , " girl , wad time qirl ? "
Amalina said she dun kn0w . & since dat quy saw dat i had a watch ,
i said " its ****** 0'clock . "
then he wanted t0 qet kinda fresh with us . s0 we walked quickly awae .
WTH !?
a l0t m0re 0f stuffs happened th0 .
tsktsk ,
hah .
&& n0t q0inq aniwhere t0dae .
b0red .
hah ,
weird thinq is ,
whenever i have t0pped up ,
n0 0ne sms-es mehh .
but when its $$0.00 ,
ppl sms-es mehh .
hah .
& is it w0rth it ?
aftern00n y0ws .
h0ws y0u
have y0u eaten
currently listeninq t0 secondhand serenade .
ytd was scarehh ,
1 ) this man , saw mehh , & stared at mehh . I was with Amalina . (:
then we were lyk oh-emm-gee-wad-am-i-supp0se-t0-d0 kinda thinqy .
then he went near mehh & f0ll0wed & went int0 this sh0p .
2) i came 0ut f0 da "hip stati0n" && this quy went lyk ,
" Hi im 16 & im sinqle . "
i iqn0red & walked away with amalina .
DIA0 !
3) This 0ld , nahhh , n0t t00 0ld quy , went t0 amalina & mehh and asked ,
"dek , pukul braper dek ? " in malay .
in enqlish , " girl , wad time qirl ? "
Amalina said she dun kn0w . & since dat quy saw dat i had a watch ,
i said " its ****** 0'clock . "
then he wanted t0 qet kinda fresh with us . s0 we walked quickly awae .
WTH !?
a l0t m0re 0f stuffs happened th0 .
tsktsk ,
hah .
&& n0t q0inq aniwhere t0dae .
b0red .
hah ,
weird thinq is ,
whenever i have t0pped up ,
n0 0ne sms-es mehh .
but when its $$0.00 ,
ppl sms-es mehh .
hah .
& is it w0rth it ?
Thursday, September 11, 2008
y0wy0w HUMAN-oids.
in sk00l n0w .
&& ya0 rui is shufflinq .
stoo0pit SHUFFLINGGG .
&& tsk,
HAV0CCC , cha0s !
all 1ENDEAV0UR usinq c0mp.
all crazy .
kk .
buybuy .
qtq .
in sk00l n0w .
&& ya0 rui is shufflinq .
stoo0pit SHUFFLINGGG .
&& tsk,
HAV0CCC , cha0s !
all 1ENDEAV0UR usinq c0mp.
all crazy .
kk .
buybuy .
qtq .
sk00l . dia0 .
nyahahaha .
0kay ,
im s0 s0undinq weird .
&& evil .
but thx f0r likinq meh ?
aprreciated l0ts .
but lets qet 0n with lyf ?
hah .
0kay ,
n0w ...
start with sk00l ,
ytd : denice q0t cauqht f0r wearinq PE .
cauqht by 0M HAN !
&& y0w , she's damn INTELLIGENT .
she came up with da m0st best EXCCUSE ,
which i dun really tink ani1 can tink 0f.
this is da excuse ;
" i w0re pe cause i ACCIDENTALLY mixed up my 0LD time-table with da new 0ne,
&& s0 , i th0uqht t0dae q0t music which was dance less0n ! "
nice eh ?
&& t0dae ;
t0pic : C.E.L.I.A !
haahs .
her eyes were s0 s0 s000000 -i-dun-kn0w-h0w-t0-describe.
her eyes was weird .
it was ,
h0w t0 say arh ?
it was ...
weird .
heavy .
uh-huh .
its TRUE !
&& y0w ,
my quess was c0rrect .
all da ppl were askinq wads wr0nq wit her eyes .
&& 0nly i knew why .
cause i had th0se kind 0f eyes b4 .
&& ,
the reas0n was ...
she cried herself t0 sleep!
hah .
&& i did cry myself t0 sleep b4 .
hah .
&& want s0me tips ?
TIPS : heat up a METAL sp00n if u have dat kind 0f " bleahhh! " eyes . Then , put it at ur eyes .
h0pefully it will clear th0se puffy-ness.
&& h0pefully , this meth0d w0rks .
&& if it d0es n0t w0rk ,
im s0rry ,
dun put da blame 0n mehh .
put the blame 0n dat teenager's maq .
hah .
s0 yeahh ,
tmr qet t0 wear pe !
yay - ness !
tmr dere's pe .
even th0 im FASTINGG .
&& y0w ,
im thirsty n0w .
i niid wwaterr ,
but i dun niid f00d .
0kay den ,
buybuy dear dear readers .
&& ur 0ne silly b0y .
0kay ,
im s0 s0undinq weird .
&& evil .
but thx f0r likinq meh ?
aprreciated l0ts .
but lets qet 0n with lyf ?
hah .
0kay ,
n0w ...
start with sk00l ,
ytd : denice q0t cauqht f0r wearinq PE .
cauqht by 0M HAN !
&& y0w , she's damn INTELLIGENT .
she came up with da m0st best EXCCUSE ,
which i dun really tink ani1 can tink 0f.
this is da excuse ;
" i w0re pe cause i ACCIDENTALLY mixed up my 0LD time-table with da new 0ne,
&& s0 , i th0uqht t0dae q0t music which was dance less0n ! "
nice eh ?
&& t0dae ;
t0pic : C.E.L.I.A !
haahs .
her eyes were s0 s0 s000000 -i-dun-kn0w-h0w-t0-describe.
her eyes was weird .
it was ,
h0w t0 say arh ?
it was ...
weird .
heavy .
uh-huh .
its TRUE !
&& y0w ,
my quess was c0rrect .
all da ppl were askinq wads wr0nq wit her eyes .
&& 0nly i knew why .
cause i had th0se kind 0f eyes b4 .
&& ,
the reas0n was ...
she cried herself t0 sleep!
hah .
&& i did cry myself t0 sleep b4 .
hah .
&& want s0me tips ?
TIPS : heat up a METAL sp00n if u have dat kind 0f " bleahhh! " eyes . Then , put it at ur eyes .
h0pefully it will clear th0se puffy-ness.
&& h0pefully , this meth0d w0rks .
&& if it d0es n0t w0rk ,
im s0rry ,
dun put da blame 0n mehh .
put the blame 0n dat teenager's maq .
hah .
s0 yeahh ,
tmr qet t0 wear pe !
yay - ness !
tmr dere's pe .
even th0 im FASTINGG .
&& y0w ,
im thirsty n0w .
i niid wwaterr ,
but i dun niid f00d .
0kay den ,
buybuy dear dear readers .
&& ur 0ne silly b0y .
Wednesday, September 10, 2008
( :
t0dae ,
sk00l is qreat .
hah .
&& y0w ,
he's silly && clumsy y0w .
but he's cute ehh ?
yeahh ,
&& i was thirsty t0dae .
bleah .
went h0me && slept .
slept fr0m 3 t0 6.30pm .
qreat uh ?
&& i w0ke up feelinq where-0n-earth-am-i ?
& i went straiqht d0wnstairs t0 buy f00d
t0 break fast .
hah ,
drank l0ts 0f water .
ate n0t-really-dat-much-cause-n0-m00d .
&& n0w im lyk s0 " dia0 " .
s0 b0red luh .
&& Y0W ,
sms y0w /
buybuy l0ve .
sk00l is qreat .
hah .
&& y0w ,
he's silly && clumsy y0w .
but he's cute ehh ?
yeahh ,
&& i was thirsty t0dae .
bleah .
went h0me && slept .
slept fr0m 3 t0 6.30pm .
qreat uh ?
&& i w0ke up feelinq where-0n-earth-am-i ?
& i went straiqht d0wnstairs t0 buy f00d
t0 break fast .
hah ,
drank l0ts 0f water .
ate n0t-really-dat-much-cause-n0-m00d .
&& n0w im lyk s0 " dia0 " .
s0 b0red luh .
&& Y0W ,
sms y0w /
buybuy l0ve .
Tuesday, September 09, 2008
aftan00n livinqTHINGS !
h0w ya'll d0inq ?
h0pe u are d0inq qreat .
stayed bacckk in sk00l just n0w till 3.30pm shaaaarp !
&& y0w ,
had a i-dun-really-kn0w-how-it-felt tym .
in class ,
just n0w durinq assembly was
haiy00 ,
they were playinq hanqman ,
and the ALM0ST all the themes were ab0ut ***t000t*** .
( :
its rated nc16 ,
s0 yeahh ,
ppl 0f all aqe are readinq this s0 ,
its n0t appr0priate !
&& afterr sk00l ,
called m0m .
&& she all0wed me t0 staybackk .
thhen sat d0wn with syamim , amalina , amirah , keshini && zulfiqar .
lauqhed a l0t .
&& y0w ,
the VIEW was superbly superb !
hah ,
0f c0urse ,
cause i can ,
i-rather-n0t-say yeahhs ?
hah .
&& den ,
went library with amalina ,
wanted t0 b0rr0w s0me b00ks .
english b00ks.
went inside library ,
uncle t0ld me t0 cl0se the d00r .
then i saw l0ts && l0ts 0f baqs .
wh0se d0es it bl0nq t0 ?
wad class was in da library ?
i was s0 thinkinq .
amalina checked && said it was maybeee
4B , 0r a.k.a f-o-u-r b-r-i-l-l-i-a-n-t .
s0 i went inside ,
then i realised it was s0 n0t 4b .
it was i-dun-kn0w-wad-class ( as if ) .
hah .
(Atiqa ) " eyhh , dun nid t0 b0rr0w b00ks readii luhh . "
(Amalina ) " haiy0 , y ? "
(Atiqa ) " uqhh , its alryt luhh , q0t class here , s0 dun wanna disturb . "
(Amalina ) " aiyaa , just b0rr0w luhh . "
(Atiqa ) " nvm nvm luhh , next dae als0 can b0rr0w . "
(Amalina ) " errrkayyyyyyy . "
then we br0wsed thru the 1999 class ph0t0s
0r wadeva-da-name-0f-the-b00k-is .
hah .
damn funneh larhh .
the hairstyles ALL are s0 "w0w" .
n0 0ffence 0ld 0ld seni0rs !
n0t fair cause they weren't strict with the hairstyles b4 .
&& y0w ,
there were s0 MANY cca's !
&&& wala0 ,
q0t cheerleadinq s0m0re !
my qawd .
qaaaahhh !
its 0kay ,
its 0ryt ,
qriffin qriffin fyt fyt fyt .
kae ,
shall st0p here .
buybuy humans .
0h yarhh ,
the -idk wad bk- is called a " yearB00K.
aftan00n livinqTHINGS !
h0w ya'll d0inq ?
h0pe u are d0inq qreat .
stayed bacckk in sk00l just n0w till 3.30pm shaaaarp !
&& y0w ,
had a i-dun-really-kn0w-how-it-felt tym .
in class ,
just n0w durinq assembly was
haiy00 ,
they were playinq hanqman ,
and the ALM0ST all the themes were ab0ut ***t000t*** .
( :
its rated nc16 ,
s0 yeahh ,
ppl 0f all aqe are readinq this s0 ,
its n0t appr0priate !
&& afterr sk00l ,
called m0m .
&& she all0wed me t0 staybackk .
thhen sat d0wn with syamim , amalina , amirah , keshini && zulfiqar .
lauqhed a l0t .
&& y0w ,
the VIEW was superbly superb !
hah ,
0f c0urse ,
cause i can ,
i-rather-n0t-say yeahhs ?
hah .
&& den ,
went library with amalina ,
wanted t0 b0rr0w s0me b00ks .
english b00ks.
went inside library ,
uncle t0ld me t0 cl0se the d00r .
then i saw l0ts && l0ts 0f baqs .
wh0se d0es it bl0nq t0 ?
wad class was in da library ?
i was s0 thinkinq .
amalina checked && said it was maybeee
4B , 0r a.k.a f-o-u-r b-r-i-l-l-i-a-n-t .
s0 i went inside ,
then i realised it was s0 n0t 4b .
it was i-dun-kn0w-wad-class ( as if ) .
hah .
(Atiqa ) " eyhh , dun nid t0 b0rr0w b00ks readii luhh . "
(Amalina ) " haiy0 , y ? "
(Atiqa ) " uqhh , its alryt luhh , q0t class here , s0 dun wanna disturb . "
(Amalina ) " aiyaa , just b0rr0w luhh . "
(Atiqa ) " nvm nvm luhh , next dae als0 can b0rr0w . "
(Amalina ) " errrkayyyyyyy . "
then we br0wsed thru the 1999 class ph0t0s
0r wadeva-da-name-0f-the-b00k-is .
hah .
damn funneh larhh .
the hairstyles ALL are s0 "w0w" .
n0 0ffence 0ld 0ld seni0rs !
n0t fair cause they weren't strict with the hairstyles b4 .
&& y0w ,
there were s0 MANY cca's !
&&& wala0 ,
q0t cheerleadinq s0m0re !
my qawd .
qaaaahhh !
its 0kay ,
its 0ryt ,
qriffin qriffin fyt fyt fyt .
kae ,
shall st0p here .
buybuy humans .
0h yarhh ,
the -idk wad bk- is called a " yearB00K.
Sunday, September 07, 2008
m0re pics .
"Life Is Wonderful"
It takes a crane to build a crane
It takes two floors to make a story
It takes an egg to make a hen
It takes a hen to make an egg
There is no end to what I'm saying
It takes a thought to make a word
And it takes some words to make an action
It takes some work to make it work
It takes some good to make it hurt
It takes some bad for satisfaction
La la la la la la la life is wonderful
Ah la la la la la la life goes full circle
Ah la la la la la la life is wonderful
Al la la la la
It takes a night to make it dawn
And it takes a day to make you yawn brother
And it takes some old to make you young
It takes some cold to know the sun
It takes the one to have the other
And it takes no time to fall in love
But it takes you years to know what love is
It takes some fears to make you trust
It takes those tears to make it rust
It takes the dust to have it polished
Ha la la la la la la life is wonderful
Ah la la la la la la life goes full circle
Ah la la la la la la life is so full of
Ah la la la la la la life is so rough
Ah la la la la la la life is wonderful
Ah la la la la la la life goes full circle
Ah la la la la la la life is our love
Ah la la la la la
It takes some silence to make sound
It takes a loss before you found it
And it takes a road to go nowhere
It takes a toll to make you care
It takes a hole to make a mountain
Ah la la la la la la life is wonderful
Ah la la la la la la life goes full circle
Ha la la la la la life is wonderful
Ha la la la la la life is meaningful
Ha la la la la la life is wonderful
Ha la la la la la life it is...so... wonderful
It is so meaningful
It is so wonderful
It is meaningful
It is wonderful
It is meaningful
It goes full circle
Full circle



It takes a crane to build a crane
It takes two floors to make a story
It takes an egg to make a hen
It takes a hen to make an egg
There is no end to what I'm saying
It takes a thought to make a word
And it takes some words to make an action
It takes some work to make it work
It takes some good to make it hurt
It takes some bad for satisfaction
La la la la la la la life is wonderful
Ah la la la la la la life goes full circle
Ah la la la la la la life is wonderful
Al la la la la
It takes a night to make it dawn
And it takes a day to make you yawn brother
And it takes some old to make you young
It takes some cold to know the sun
It takes the one to have the other
And it takes no time to fall in love
But it takes you years to know what love is
It takes some fears to make you trust
It takes those tears to make it rust
It takes the dust to have it polished
Ha la la la la la la life is wonderful
Ah la la la la la la life goes full circle
Ah la la la la la la life is so full of
Ah la la la la la la life is so rough
Ah la la la la la la life is wonderful
Ah la la la la la la life goes full circle
Ah la la la la la la life is our love
Ah la la la la la
It takes some silence to make sound
It takes a loss before you found it
And it takes a road to go nowhere
It takes a toll to make you care
It takes a hole to make a mountain
Ah la la la la la la life is wonderful
Ah la la la la la la life goes full circle
Ha la la la la la life is wonderful
Ha la la la la la life is meaningful
Ha la la la la la life is wonderful
Ha la la la la la life it is...so... wonderful
It is so meaningful
It is so wonderful
It is meaningful
It is wonderful
It is meaningful
It goes full circle
Full circle




Saturday, September 06, 2008
B00yah !
Friday, September 05, 2008
Im yours -JasonMraz
Well, you done done me and you bet I felt it
I tried to be chill but your so hot that I melted
I fell right through the cracks, now I'm tryin to get back
before the cool done run out I'll be givin it my best test
and nothin's gonna stop me but divine intervention
I reckon it's again my turn to win some or learn some
But I won't hesitate no more,
no more, it cannot wait
I'm yours
Well open up your mind and see like me
open up your plans and damn you're free
look into your heart and you'll find love love love love
listen to the music of the moment people dance and sing
We're just one big family
And it's our godforsaken right to be loved loved loved loved loved
So, i won't hesitate no more,
no more, it cannot wait i'm sure
there's no need to complicate our time is short
this is our fate
I'm yours
I've been spendin' way too long checkin' my tongue in the mirror
and bendin' over backwards just to try to see it clearer
But my breath fogged up the glass
and so I drew a new face and I laughed
I guess what I'd be sayin' is there ain't no better reason
to rid yourself of vanities and just go with the seasons
it's what we aim to do
our name is our virtue
But I won't hesitate no more,
no more it cannot wait
I'm yours
Well open up your mind and see like me
open up your plans and damn you're free
look into your heart and you will find that the sky is yours
so please don't, please don't, please don't,
there's no need to complicate,
Cause our time is short
This, this, this is our fate,
I'm yours
Well, you done done me and you bet I felt it
I tried to be chill but your so hot that I melted
I fell right through the cracks, now I'm tryin to get back
before the cool done run out I'll be givin it my best test
and nothin's gonna stop me but divine intervention
I reckon it's again my turn to win some or learn some
But I won't hesitate no more,
no more, it cannot wait
I'm yours
Well open up your mind and see like me
open up your plans and damn you're free
look into your heart and you'll find love love love love
listen to the music of the moment people dance and sing
We're just one big family
And it's our godforsaken right to be loved loved loved loved loved
So, i won't hesitate no more,
no more, it cannot wait i'm sure
there's no need to complicate our time is short
this is our fate
I'm yours
I've been spendin' way too long checkin' my tongue in the mirror
and bendin' over backwards just to try to see it clearer
But my breath fogged up the glass
and so I drew a new face and I laughed
I guess what I'd be sayin' is there ain't no better reason
to rid yourself of vanities and just go with the seasons
it's what we aim to do
our name is our virtue
But I won't hesitate no more,
no more it cannot wait
I'm yours
Well open up your mind and see like me
open up your plans and damn you're free
look into your heart and you will find that the sky is yours
so please don't, please don't, please don't,
there's no need to complicate,
Cause our time is short
This, this, this is our fate,
I'm yours
read the bl0q .
s0 yeahh ,
aftern00n darlinqs .
hah .
current status - b0red.
s0 b0red .
was br0wsinq thru ppl's bl0q ,
and yeahh ,
was publicizinq the my new bl0q.
hah .
went thru ppl's bl0q ,
and saw my seni0r's bl0q ,
Alvin .
yeahh ,
he d0nt kn0w meh ,
and i d0nt kn0w him ,
as in we d0nt talk .
s0 ,
went t0 his bl0q ,
and went t0 his newBL0G. .
his new bl0q used a website ,
n0t a bl0qqer .
c00l uhs ?
and y0w ,
i l0ve da way he edits his pictures .
very nice .
hah .
s0 read thru it ,
and y0w ,
its very interestinq .
and ,
went t0 CorruptedLove@bs.com!
nice st0ry y0w .
***APPLAUSE aqain .
its weird .
cause ,
i dun understand h0w 0thers can talk t0 their seni0rs .
well ,
lets just face it ,
s0me ppl thinks im eq0.
b00 !
im n0t yeahhs .
im supersuper retard + frenly as ever !
hah .
it alryt .
and y0w ,
im shy .
is it ?
lyk real .
talk t0 mehh ,
&& i'll talk t0 y0u .
s0 tatas ,
wanna q0 0n and read CorruptedLove@bs.com! .
aftern00n darlinqs .
hah .
current status - b0red.
s0 b0red .
was br0wsinq thru ppl's bl0q ,
and yeahh ,
was publicizinq the my new bl0q.
hah .
went thru ppl's bl0q ,
and saw my seni0r's bl0q ,
Alvin .
yeahh ,
he d0nt kn0w meh ,
and i d0nt kn0w him ,
as in we d0nt talk .
s0 ,
went t0 his bl0q ,
and went t0 his newBL0G. .
his new bl0q used a website ,
n0t a bl0qqer .
c00l uhs ?
and y0w ,
i l0ve da way he edits his pictures .
very nice .
hah .
s0 read thru it ,
and y0w ,
its very interestinq .
and ,
went t0 CorruptedLove@bs.com!
nice st0ry y0w .
***APPLAUSE aqain .
its weird .
cause ,
i dun understand h0w 0thers can talk t0 their seni0rs .
well ,
lets just face it ,
s0me ppl thinks im eq0.
b00 !
im n0t yeahhs .
im supersuper retard + frenly as ever !
hah .
it alryt .
and y0w ,
im shy .
is it ?
lyk real .
talk t0 mehh ,
&& i'll talk t0 y0u .
s0 tatas ,
wanna q0 0n and read CorruptedLove@bs.com! .
Thursday, September 04, 2008
d0ts .
current status - b0red.
hah .
uqhh ,
s0 b0red .
&& uh-huh ,
tellinq every0ne ,
well alm0st every0ne ,
t0 taq , link && view .
tsk .
shiate ,
havent d0 hmwk .
&& b00 ,
tmr is an0ther b0rinq day .
hah .
uqhh ,
s0 b0red .
&& uh-huh ,
tellinq every0ne ,
well alm0st every0ne ,
t0 taq , link && view .
tsk .
shiate ,
havent d0
&& b00 ,
tmr is an0ther b0rinq day .
uh-yeahh . at last . (:
0uhh wee ~~~
-where t0 publicize ?
0pti0ns available :
-MSN !
uh-huh .
yeahh ,
&& y0w ,
at last ,
f0und the perfect,perfect bl0qskin.
nice ehh ?
after 3hrs15min 0f searchinq ,
at last .
s0 yeahh ,
its quite c0ld and uhh ,
im fastinq .
h0w nice?
l0l .
n0t feelinq hunqry th0 .
q0nna break fast at 19 08 , i tink .
yeahh ,
ard dat tym .
s0 yeahh ,
q00dbuy dear viewers. (:
-where t0 publicize ?
0pti0ns available :
-MSN !
uh-huh .
yeahh ,
&& y0w ,
at last ,
f0und the perfect,perfect bl0qskin.
nice ehh ?
after 3hrs15min 0f searchinq ,
at last .
s0 yeahh ,
its quite c0ld and uhh ,
im fastinq .
h0w nice?
l0l .
n0t feelinq
q0nna break fast at 19 08 , i tink .
yeahh ,
ard dat tym .
s0 yeahh ,
q00dbuy dear viewers. (:
Wednesday, September 03, 2008
uqhh .
just did a NEW bl0q t0dae .
after l00kinq at ppl's bl0q ,
had da URGE t0 d0 an0ther 0ne aqain .
just can't find a "perfect" bloqskin th0 .
&& yeah ,
im q0nna PUBLICIZE this bl0q .
m0ve 0n t0 the next p0st .
*** next p0st ; where t0 publicize .
after l00kinq at ppl's bl0q ,
had da URGE t0 d0 an0ther 0ne aqain .
just can't find a "perfect" bloqskin th0 .
&& yeah ,
im q0nna PUBLICIZE this bl0q .
m0ve 0n t0 the next p0st .
*** next p0st ; where t0 publicize .
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